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Legalization of translations

Most embassies and foreign agencies in addition to the certified copies of documents originals require their translation into the language of the country, where the papers are submitted. Unfortunately, the translation made independently will have no legal force. To prepare all correctly, you will have to apply to a specialized agency, which easily will help you in preparation of the necessary documents.

Price for legalization of translation

Below we present you the short table on prices of translations legalization, certified translation and submission in embassy.

You can see the detailed prices of documents legalization in Ukraine in the section prices and terms of documents legalization.



Price in UAH

Consular legalization of document

from 3 w.d. + the term of consulate

From 1010 + 325 (services of documents submission) + consular fee

Translation of documents into English / French, Spanish (for 1800 signs)

From 1 w.d.


from 210/250

Translation into Arab (for 1800 signs)



1 w.d.


*The price is not a public offer.
**Deadlines for consideration of documents by the Ministries and Embassies may be increased.

"Apostille & Tochka" will quickly and professionally perform the work on legalization of translations and any other documents for you. Translation and legalization of documents from our company – this is quality, reliability and warranties. Papers such as legalized power of attorney and other documents prepared properly in our office are accepted by all embassies in the territory of Ukraine, as well as by institutions abroad.

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