Czech legal translator - photo 1 Czech legal translator - photo 2

Czech legal translator

Czech sworn (legal) translator is a person authorized to certify performed by him/her translations of documents, as well as to participate as interpreter in official events.

One resorts to the services of such a specialist upon obtaining a long-term visa in the Czech Republic for the purpose of study, employment or business conduct.

Czech legal translator differs from a usual one by the procedure of training. He/she passes a special exam under Ministry of Justice and after a successful passage takes the oath. After this the translator’s surname is recorded in the register of Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic and his/her signature is considered a sufficient evidence to give a document legal force.

Prices of sworn translation into Czech

We present to your attention the table with the description of services on translation, for a full acquaintance with all spectrums of services, please, navigate in the section “Prices and Terms

Order accredited translation

Apply to us for documents translation by Czech legal translator

Order translation

Type of translation

Price (UAH)

Police clearance certificate without apostille


Certificate of the Registry Office without apostille


Diploma/certificate (without apostille and addition)


Other documents

500 UAH/1800
symbol. translation+ 450 UAH

Certificate of an additional copy of the document


*The price is not a public offer

Czech legal (sworn) translation shall meet the following requirements:

  • Strict compliance with the original text;
  • Presence of certified signature of the translator (date of translator’s appointment; the court, in which he/she was appointed; the number of order; the sequence number of translator; date and place of translation performance);
  • Presence of round seal;
  • It is obligatory to sew the sworn translation to the document original or its certified copy;
  • It is obligatory to present international passport for the correct spelling of name and surname.

If you still have any questions, please, call us by telephone 0-800-502-761 and our managers answer them with pleasure.